2022 International Convention Update from Marci Larson
Greetings – and hope that you are doing well. Int. President Ron has shared this info with the district presidents, but I wanted to be sure you have it as well.
The convention will be held August 31th to Sept 1st 2022, with first time delegates arriving on the 30th of August for the First Timers Training. Delegates will depart the 2nd of September.
Here is the information about the venue, be sure and watch the virtual tour of the site!
Omni Hotels and Resorts
Omni Viking lakes Hotel
2611 Nordic Way
Eagan, MN 55121
More information will be forthcoming,
Marci Larson
International Secretary______

The Scandinavian Heritage Society 3-433
concluded in March, an incredibly well organized on-line auction. Heavily promoted on Facebook with videos of auction items and posted on their website it appeared, by the bidding updates, that they did quite well. All proceeds benefitted Foodlink in Rochester, NY
2020 was a great year for the Sons of Norway Foundation.
It was a great year because our lodges and members responded throughout the year, but especially during the Together We Are The Future campaign. The Sons of Norway Foundation Board of Governors thank you for your incredible support.
Since 1966, our Foundation has supported our members and lodges through scholarships, grants, and humanitarian relief.
In 2020, our members and lodges donated $391,615. This included a $90,000 legacy, a $20,000 memorial, and a $53,000 addition to an existing endowed scholarship.
And in 2020 the Foundation provided $108,270 in 26 scholarships and $27,330 in grants.
Donations to the Together We Are The Future campaign were $210,164:
$ 85,561 for endowed scholarships
$ 17,013 for the humanitarian relief fund
$ 106,590 unrestricted funds
Donations came from 721 members and 113 lodges. Our lodges donated $29,585.
In District 3, 18 lodges donated during the Together campaign, with another 5 earlier in the year, for a total of 23 lodges during 2020.
Norskevenner Lodge 3-678 announces 3 new fall events for 2021
Miss Mary’s Ice Cream Crankin’ and Walk to End Alzheimers There are two events coming up, in the fall, in which I would like our group to participate. Miss Mary’s Ice Cream Crankin’, a fundraiser for the Drake House in Roswell. The Drake House provides counseling and shelter for battered women and their children. At this event, which takes place in Roswell’s town square, different community groups make various flavors of ice cream which are given to the people who come to the event. Miss Mary’s raises funds by charging admission to the event. They also have a contest, voted on by both professional judges and the public, for best ice-cream in several different categories. This event will be in August, the date is not yet set, and would be a good event for us to participate in to put us out in front of the public and get better known as a community group in Roswell. It is a one-day event and we will need volunteers (3 to 4) to help make ice cream ahead of time and a few more to staff our table the day of the event. I participated in this event a few years ago, representing Barrington Hall, and it was a lot of fun. Also, I would like as many of us as possible to walk in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. The walk will take place on November 6, 2021 and some details, it appears, are still being worked out. I would like to see a lot of us, in Sons of Norway t-shirts (or sweat shirts depending on the weather) participate in the march. Not only is Alzheimer’s research an issue championed by our District 3 but also another way for us to get seen in the community. The walk will take place in Atlanta. Let me know if any of you are interested. I will share more details as soon as they become available.
Gulfstream Lodge 3-514
[pdf-embedder url=”https://3dsofn.org/wp-content/uploads/Amundsen-Sisters-Talk-on-Great-Grandfathers-Expedition-1.pdf” title=”Amundsen Sisters Talk on Great Grandfather’s Expedition 1″]April 11th we will be having a presentation by the great granddaughters of Anton Amundsen on the first Nansen voyage to the Artic. These two girls are quite impressive and I suggested that someone write an article (or they can) about themselves as they are professionals in their careers – one is a lawyer (retired now) and the other is a doctor of surgery, teaching at Duke University.
They are avid swimmers and I’m not sure if they surf, but they are very active and have received numerous sports medals. They run races and marathons too. Amy would so much like to write an article for our magazine regarding their great grandfather and their Norwegian heritage, including stories of the present Amundsen family.
Hampton Roads Lodge 3-522
On March 23, Ralph Peterson presented the 50 year membership pin to Odd Vinnelrod. This was the day after Odd’s 93 birthday.
Happy BIRTHDAY Odd and congratulations on your 50th year membership to the Sons of Norway. Well done.

Gateway to Florida 3-541 is holding a lodge Special Event later this year!
This is no humbug! Our Lodge has secured a limited number of tickets for a ma<nee performance of A Christmas
Carole at Alhambra Theater and Dining Saturday, November 20, 2021. The tickets for dinner and show are $75.
If you haven’t been to our dinner theater for a while, you’re in for a treat. The Alhambra now has service at the
table, and all COVID-19 guides are followed.
The menu has several options. The first course offers two choices. The main course has four options including a
vegetarian, and dessert includes two options and ice cream is also available. The Alhambra endeavors to
accommodate dietary limitations, with sufficient notice. Water, iced tea and coffee are included; other beverages
are for purchase.
To refresh your memory about this Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol opens on a bleak, cold Christmas Eve in
London, seven years after the death of Ebenezer Scrooge’s business partner, Jacob Marley. Scrooge, an aging miser,
dislikes Christmas and refuses a dinner invitation from his nephew Fred—the son of Fan, Scrooge’s dead sister. He
turns away two men who seek a donation from him to provide food and healing for the poor and only grudgingly
allows his overworked, underpaid clerk, Bob Cratchit, Christmas Day off with pay to conform to the social custom.
That night Scrooge is visited at home by Marley’s ghost, who wanders the Earth entwined by heavy chains and
money boxes forged during a life<me of greed and selfishness. Marley tells Scrooge that he has a single chance to
avoid the same fate: he will be visited by three spirits and must listen or be cursed to carry much heavier chains of
his own. Over the next three nights, the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future visit Scrooge who wakes up
Christmas morning a changed man.
Many performances of the Christmas Carole are already sold out.
Anyone interested should first telephone Kent @614-7111 before sending money to be sure seats are s<ll
available. To secure your seat, make your check payable to Sons of Norway and send to Kent Larson, 4013
Moresburg Court East, Jacksonville, FL 32257. Please respond at your earliest convenience since our ticket number
is limited.

Washington Lodge 3-428
Elspeth and Owen Christianson with the grindbygg long house built by Owen and crew. Owen’s grindbygg shelter now serves as a picnic pavilion in a Decorah park. Read the full article!

Norumbega Lodge 3-506
Lodge Brooklyn 3-243 and Færder Lodge 3-109 will hold a joint BBQ Event this summer.
Please email to me any items of interest to the 3rd District Members and help to contribute to the TDT