“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”
Helen Keller
Thanks to everyone who participated in the first annual “New World Service Day” You far exceeded my expectations for a brand new event. Each of you made a difference and the new world is a better place for your efforts.
Zone 1 supported Literacy Suffolk’s clothes Drive. Literacy Suffolk, Inc. effects countywide change by improving adult literacy through trained volunteers, expanding community awareness, and providing literacy to all adults, especially those of low to moderate incomes who are underserved and limited in their ability to advance themselves and their families, so that they can contribute to and partake in the fruits of our society. Literacy Suffolk believes that the ability to read, write, and communicate effectively is critical to personal freedom, economic betterment, and the maintenance of a democratic society.

Literacy Suffolk is hosting a clothes drive on October 25, 2022. They will receive money for each pound of clothes collected. This will enable them to continue with their worthy mission. But the good does not end there! Once collected the clothes will go to needy.
Go Green’s focus is on textile recycling. Our mission is to help divert some of the millions of tons of textiles that end up in our landfills every year by collecting unwanted clothing. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA), Americans generate about 25 billion pounds of textiles in one year and a staggering 85% of this goes directly to our landfills. The average American throws away 70 pounds of clothing and textiles every year! These astonishing numbers highlight the need for people to have an alternate outlet to discard their clothing.

This is where Go Green fits in! Through our systematic collection from our clothing drop boxes and links with charitable organizations, we are able to give another go around to clothing, Go Green acts as a link in the textile chain by redirecting clothing to people in need, second hand stores, and even overseas markets. This is done by sorting facilities that determine the best route for the textiles, based on its condition.
So, we are helping adults to improve their English skills; reading, writing and speaking. We are getting clothes and beddings to those in need at the same time helping the environment. Not to mention the good feeling we get from cleaning out our own closets to make room for our new clothes.
Restauration Lodge 3-555 has the honor to Stand Up To Hunger. People struggle with hunger every day. Now more than ever. We will collect non-perishable food items to donate. We’ll bring items to the October Lodge meeting and we will get the items to the food back. We’re also collecting checks for those members not able to attend the meetings or feel like writing a check along with bringing an item. The checks will go to “Kids Against Hunger,” a non-profit humanitarian organization.
Standing up to hunger will be our Restauration Lodge part to support our neighbors in need. A donation is a contribution to the positive impact we make through community. With every contribution, there is an impact. Please make your checks out to RESTAURATION LODGE and send to Jorgen (Treasurer Jorgen Flood, P.O. Box 3168, West Chester, Pa 19381-3166 who will make one check out to the food bank.
At our September meeting there was excitement about what we will be doing on “New World Service Day” to honor Leif Erickson day. Because of the need in our area for food banks this was decided on as our participation. We will be participating each month going forward. It was a light bulb going on that made us think of what we can do for our community.

Bondelandet 3-612 did a coat, hat, scarf, and glove collection for Coats of Friendship, York, PA which benefits those in need.
Norumbega Lodge #506 plans to collect used eyeglasses at its October meeting for donation to the Lions Club of Woburn.
Norsk Carolina 3-679 and Noreg 3-466 will be combining an Alzheimer’s Walk with the “New World Service Day” to take place in October. (Right on point- 2 birds, one stone.)
Hampton Roads 3-522 message to members: “One of the nice things that the Sons of Norway lodge’s do for their communities and the less fortunate, is that we give a portion of our time and money to charitable groups and organizations. The lodge’s in District 3 have started a new effort along these lines called “New World Service Day.” I’ve attached Dirk Hansen’s (D3 Fraternal/Foundation Director) email that includes the flyer that talks about this new program. You can also see what some of the lodge’s have initiated in support of this new program.
This is not a mandatory lodge obligation, but rather a nice to do effort for those that want to be involved. We have had one idea already that will involve our lodge knitters to make little hats for baby premies to wear at our local hospitals. After you read the flyer, you’ll see that there is so many different things that a lodge can do to be a part of this charitable effort. If you would like to be a part of this by volunteering to do one of these projects or have another idea that you and other members of the lodge would like to do, please let me know and we can get started.”

Norrona 3-467
For the first annual National Service Day, Norrona Lodge 467 collected food items for the Center for Food Action in Mahwah, NJ. In the photo attached lodge member Penilyn Kruge is ready to deliver the donated items to the food bank.
Best regards,

Nansen Lodge 3-410
Nansen has gotten involved in three groups for New World Service Day.
Tunnel to Towers Foundation: A great organization that helps build homes for our severely injured Veterans, first responders and families of Veterans who have sacrificed their life for our country. The family of Stephen Siller started this foundation after their brother Stephen gave up his life on 9/11. Stephen ran through the tunnel from Brooklyn to the World Trade Center in full gear and lost his life to save others.
Knitting for Christmas. This is run by The Seamen Church Institute of NY. Some of the women from Nansen are knitting hats an scarves for this program and we hope to get more members involved. They have made over 100 items. They will be packed up and given to the seaman that arrive at the ports at Christmas time. The Institute distributes several thousands each year.
Nansen also collects towels, blankets and sheets that is given to the local Animal Care Center of NYC
New World Service day has helped us to get back into helping others.
Ruthie Kornbrekke

Gateway to Florida 3-514
Gateway to Florida Lodge 3-541 Charter member & Assistant Treasurer, Pete Hopkins, & Vice President, Kent Larson, presented Bill Brim, CEO, & Jennifer Barrett, Chief Development Officer, Lutheran Social Services of NE Florida a $500 donation for the benefit of their food bank! We were greeted by enthusiastic & grateful employees of LSS!

Hend MacLean, Chris Taylor, George Thomas MacLean, Erik MacLean, John Finn MacLean, Bente MacLean and Nancy Kaufman
Suncoast Lodge 3-562
Suncoast Lodge participated in the World Service Day on Saturday, October 8th by cleaning a stretch of roadway. Our youngest participants and their parents stayed within the park where it was safer and away from traffic. In all we cleaned up over 50 pounds of trash that day.
Oslo 3-438
Please remember to bring some non-perishable food items with you to the Oslo lodge meeting this Saturday for the Senior Center food pantry and for our part in the 3rd District’s New World Service Day.
Thanks, Jim Mostrom

Southern Star 3-630 partnered with the City of Myrtle Beach in planting a tree in Market Commons Lake Park. A plaque commemorating Leif Erikson along with the lodge name and number was part of the planting.
Blå Fjell 3-646 was all over the “Service Day spectrum with some members working independently and some in groups.
Volunteering with the Old Southwest Community Organization:
Maintenance and cleanup at the historic Gish House. Plawking (picking up trash while walking) in the neighborhood.
Fostering 2 elderly doggies from Angels of Assisi: multiple hours.
4 hours of tutoring a child in need in Phonics, Math, and English at St. John Lutheran Church. Visited person in nursing home. Donated magazines to Roanoke Count Jail and donated books to Cornerstone Classical Academy and 40 socks and 9 boxer shorts for men’s shelter.

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.”
Muhammad Ali