Blog: 3D News


October 2020 President’s Message

Fra Presidenten, Kathy Dollymore, Oct 2020

Here’s a great quote often credited to Eleanor Roosevelt concerning a new skill:  “Do one thing every day that scares you.”

Lodges are gearing up with their nominating committees for officer elections coming up and maybe that can be a little scary, ”can I do it, will I get help, what if I make a mistake. I’m not ready”

With National Baseball taking place,( yea, Phillies) even if it isn’t the way we had hoped to see it, these are thoughts for you: Don’t hide from the fear–lean into it, take a swing, or let it hit you and take your free base. We’re all here cheering you on and waiting for our turn to step up to the plate! Try a position in your lodge as an officer or part of a committee. We’ll get back to our lodges, our meetings, our programs, our friends in the new normal but we won’t hide from the fear but will take on the new day. Sons of Norway members are resilient and we are all in this together and we will persevere. So, when asked to step up to the plate, think about that quote.

I am learning to use my Zoom, something I never thought was on my agenda. And yes, a little scary but still trying to learn more each day.

Some of our lodges have started meeting with a safe-distancing-mask-in-person meeting and some lodges have done virtual meetings with members who have been unable to attend in a while but through the virtual world here they are with the group. So, we will find ways to get together. Programs shared from other lodges and members of other lodges visiting in the virtual world make this something we had not envisioned, but it’s something that’s working.

October is also the month we recognize as FOUNDATION MONTH. A donation to the Sons of Norway Foundation is a contribution to the positive impact we make through community, youth, educational, and cultural projects. With every contribution, there is an impact. The Sons of Norway Foundation is proud to announce the brand-new Helping Hands to Members Medical Relief Grant. This grant assists current members with unreimbursed medical claims resulting from extreme illness or injury. Awards of up to $5,000 are available to help members who are uninsured, underinsured or denied coverage for major medical expenses. Grants are made from the Foundation’s Humanitarian Fund.

Everything the Sons of Norway Foundation accomplishes is the result of the support of our donors: the people who contribute time, talent and resources to further our mission in member communities. Every contribution matters and you can be sure that we’re using your donations responsibly and effectively. Our 3D Foundation Director, Dirk Hansen, has information on how the Foundation can work for YOUR lodge. Contact Dirk at