Blog: 3D News


March 2020 President’s Message

Fra 3D Presidenten Kathy Dollymore  MARCH

First, let me add my compliments to all the new and returning officers. You all are to be commended for accepting the responsibility for your lodges. Congratulations on your achievement and being a good model for people around you.

March is the month that we see nature preparing to change. Daily we see Winter’s last hoorah fighting Springs rebirth. There are also deadlines that become due at this time of year. This means it’s time to act. Feb 15th was the deadline for each lodge requirement to submit their AFA (American Fraternal Alliance) Lodge activity report. Please do not take this form lightly, for it ensures that the order of Sons of Norway will keep it’s not for profit status. Coincidentally, this is also the time of year to complete your lodge Achievement form, which is used to help select the Lodge of the year and the Family lodge of the year. No matter the size of your membership, filling out this form is a good way to see how much you have accomplished over the year! Using the Lodge achievement form is also a great recruitment tool. It shows prospective members what your lodge does within the community and entices them to join. Demonstrating to a new person in your lodge that we have a lot of fun, is what will get people interested. When you bring a new person to a meeting, it is important that the Lodge shows the new member the value in what you have to offer. Creating positive first impressions and the likelihood of creating a deeper connection to your lodge is worth every drop of energy. So, keep up the good work It is hard to believe that our 3D Convention is only a little over three months away. Coming up in June it will be held in Jacksonville. Delegates have been chosen to represent each lodge, resolutions are in the process of being assembled, and caucuses are soon to be organized. This is a great year to attend the Convention while we celebrate 125 years as Sons of Norway Organization. If you are thinking of traveling in June think of Jacksonville and come to the celebration. With that said, I would like to remind you to notify the District Secretary the names of your delegates. This is the lodge’s opportunity to participate in district business.  Delegates can meet and greet members from around the District.  The delegate reporting form and list with the individual lodge delegate counts have been sent to the lodge presidents and secretaries. Please access the District website/convention information for more details on the delegate and non-delegate rates and information on how to add your lodge to the convention journal.