The challenge for giving you the latest and greatest from around the 3rd District is acquiring content. Just like the past year of 2020, “You can’t make this stuff up”. With this in mind, please feel free to submit as many items of general interest about your lodges as you want to me– The following is a collage, in no particular order, of various emails, flyers and articles I have received of late. – Editor

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Frederick Hinchliffe II
Date: Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 10:59 PM
Subject: Norumbega Lodge jultrefest and Secret Santa gift swap on December 4th at 7:30 PM
DEAR Members: Our jultrefest for adults is on December 4 at 7:30 PM via
Zoom video-conference. We really hope that you can join the fun. To come
to the party, please visit the Lodge website after 7 PM on December 4
and click on the link that is provided you on the site in the “pop-up”
notification. Or send an email to and we will
send you the link around 7 PM.
ALSO, you can sign up to give and to receive a small gift, just as we
have done in years past. But instead of bringing a gift, we will send
you the name of a member to send a gift to, and you will in turn receive
a gift from a different member. This is the “Secret Santa” feature
mentioned in the Tidende. To sign up. send your name, mailing address,
email address, and gender to . You can
also add your name at the jultrefest event if that is easier.
BY the way, “Sending” a gift to someone can be by email (for example, a
store gift card), by postal mail (any small item), or by delivering it
‘TIS the season! Be jolly and come to the jultrefest!
QUESTIONS? Need some help with Zoom? Email your questions to
or call me (Fred Hinchliffe) 9 AM
to 9 PM.
ALL of this information is repeated in the attached 2 pages from the
Thank you–See you there–God jul og Godt Nyttår
thanks to the support of members renewing, attending, and/or leading programs at our monthly meetings and at our adopted school. Three of the regular community events we usually participate in were cancelled due to COVID large-crowd safety restrictions
Sadness: We mourned the death of long-time, dear member Dorrit Grina, and were able to put her biography in our newsletter and her picture in the Viking Magazine.
Gladness: We were able to hold seven monthly meetings using College Lutheran Church in January and February, and St. John Lutheran church in July through November. We approved the line-item budget for 2020, heard about SAMI culture, learned what we need to know about Alzheimer’s (SON emphasis this year), had a general presentation about the Sons of Norway International organization, talked about our favorite books, made an ornament, and voted on new officers for term 2021-2022. At one meeting members spoke of their Nordic heritage and immigration journey, illustrated by maps from where their ancestors came from in the “Old Country” to where they came in the New World.
We spent August, September and October meetings highlighting Sons of Norway 125th Anniversary, giving programs about its history and holding a GALA celebration.
More Gladness: Cheri was able to teach COVID-safe sessions to students at Faith Christian school (our Adopt-a-School Project school) assisted by a teacher. Events were Leif Eriksson Day, Viking Day with shorter presentations spread over five days, and Native American culture.
Overview submitted by Sharon Rohrback
Report of Canned Good Collection for Salem Food Pantry .. Joann Barfield:
Here on this extra-sparkly winter solstice, we look forward to times of peace, joy, love, light and especially … hope!
Our Juletrefest via Zoom was great fun – many thanks (mange takk) to several who helped so much, especially Manny, Anneken, Anne, Mona, Kristina – it was a great group effort! If you attended and want to see/hear/share some of the videos again, or if you had to miss it – – we include the links.
There’s no video, sorry, of the beloved story Mona read and translated – by Alf Proysen, Den Vesle Bygda Som Glömte at det Var Jul – The Little Town that Forgot it Was Christmastime – but perhaps you know it??
* Musevisa – by Alf Prøysen. Children’s song for dancing around the tree – but many adults were singing right along! Told and sung by Paul Hasvold, Biznissene, and an anonymous cartoonist. Put together by Edward Mike Wick, S.O.N. member, Apple Valley, MN. Longish, but you get three ‘interpretations!’
* Yingle Bells – by the inimitable “Yogi Yorgesson” – born of Norwegian parents, Harry Skarbo became “Harry Stewart” and a successful comic performer. His “Yogi” character has an exaggerated Swedish accent. Some of us sang along to this, having memorized it as little kids!
*På Låven Sitter Nissen (“Santa Claus is Sitting in the Barn”) – unfortunately, the Julenisse has trouble protecting his rice pudding from the hungry mice … another one for dancing ’round the tree …
*I Yust Go Nuts at Christmas – the “A” side of Yingle Bells … Yogi Yorgesson – when you need a laugh …
*Deilig er Jorden – performed by Tommy Körberg and the Oslo Gospel Choir – and now for a complete change of pace … lovely traditional song
*Norge, Mitt Norge – St. Olaf Choir (Singing in Stavanger) – a lovely rendition of a Norwegian favorite
* Glade Jul – sung by Sissel Kyrkjebø og Odd Nordstoga … and a cast of thousands. A lovely finale – enjoy!
Wishing you God Jul og Godt Nyttår – and good health to you and yours …
Dovre Lodge
Styremøte (Steering Group)
Over 100 people participated in the Zoom session for the WWII Commemoration. It was a wonderful event – lots of emotion from the people as they talked about their memories and family.
We’ve stayed super active since so many members are readily embracing Zoom. We use it for monthly meetings and also our special interest groups (the Reading Circle, the Genealogy Interest Group, and the Norwegian History Roundtable). Our two biggest events have been our Christmas Festival & Bazaar and the Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of WWII Liberation Day.
Festival: We held it at our lodge instead of our usual venue so that we could have it over 4 days

starting in October, running through Dec. For each day, patrons made online reservations to shop for imported foods, Dale sweaters, giftware etc. We used timed entry to control the number of people and keep everyone distanced. We had 2 beautiful Norwegian Fjord Horses in a corral in the backyard (photo attached – they are being led to the backyard). A member donated the use of his BBQ food truck so that we could offer fresh-made waffles, Norwegian-styled polser, and pea soup outside. Thankfully the weather held for all 4 days.
WWII Liberation Day Commemoration:
Our lodge, along with the Norwegian Society and Church Service of Washington, DC and the Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce, hosted a virtual commemoration of the 75th anniversary of Norwegian liberation from WWII German occupation. We’d planned to hold this event earlier at Norway House, around May 8, when Liberation Day is celebrated in Norway. But of course we had to postpone. The keynote speaker was Colonel Håvard Klevberg, Air Attaché and Assistant Defense Attaché to the Royal Norwegian Embassy. We also had a presentation by author Janet Oakley. Several members who were in Norway at the time, or had relatives in Norway at the time, shared their impressions and recollections. We later broke into chat rooms so it almost felt like we were talking to our friends at a potluck table. All of the contributors/viewers were safely in their homes or offices, participating by Zoom. The event was recorded and is available on YouTube:
Beloved lodge member Ardis Morton passed away peacefully on November 26, 2020, surrounded by her family.
Ardis’s long, fulfilling life began in a Norwegian-American home in Wisconsin. She joined Sons of Norway in 1971 and, according to daughter-in-law Karen Doty, almost convinced her Anglo/Scottish husband, Robert, that he was Norwegian, too. Thanks to Ardis, Robert became, like his wife, an influential leader in Sons of Norway.
When Ardis and Robert moved to the Washington, DC area, she joined the Norwegian Ladies Aid, the Norwegian Society, and our lodge. Throughout the 1960’s and 70’s, Ardis and Robert were famous for hosting popular lodge picnics in their backyard every summer. Eventually, the picnics moved to their daughter Beverly’s farm / restaurant in Lovettsville, VA because membership grew so rapidly, thanks in part to Ardis’s hard work for the lodge.
Ardis has held almost every lodge leadership position, including Treasurer and President (1991-1992). She co-chaired and was chief buyer for at least five huge Christmas Bazaars, which became famous beyond the DC region. Her refined taste in sweaters and jewelry has improved the wardrobes of many! She was the organizing force behind other important lodge events, including a dinner dance at Bolling Air Force Base in 1993, attended by Norwegian Ambassador Kjeld Vibe, and our 50th Anniversary celebration.
Ardis was a delegate to several District and International SON Conventions. Easily making friends everywhere she went, she became Zone Director, Treasurer, and Vice President of the Third District. In 2008, she received the Third District’s distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award.
As the years went on, Ardis encouraged younger members to venture into leadership roles and served as mentor to many. She was a most gracious greeter at our Christmas Festivals at the Elks Lodge and Christ Lutheran Church (she was a member of both organizations), and served as lodge Foundation Director. She was instrumental in finding the property which became our lodge home, Norway House. And who could forget her famous butter cookies and riskrem, which she made by the gallon, at Christmas Festivals and Jultrefests?
As if that were not enough, through her work in Fairfax County schools, Ardis was elected President of the Fairfax Public School System of Office Personnel, all the while maintaining a loving home with her husband and four children.
But beyond leadership and energy, we will always remember her warmth and the way she greeted every single person with genuine pleasure and a twinkle in her eye. She was the very embodiment of fraternal spirit. Our member Doris Goodlett said it best, “Her life was a blessing to all who knew her, and we are thankful for her friendship.”
Ardis is survived by her children Verlin Morton, Beverly Billand, Vicki Petreman, and Paula Gordon, 13 grandchildren, 20 great grandchildren, and three great-great grandchildren. A celebration of life will be held at a later date.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3810 Meredith Dr., Fairfax, VA 22030 or Sons of Norway Foundation, 1455 West Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN 55408.
Expressions of sympathy may be sent to The Morton Family, 42461 Lovettsville Rd., Lovettsville, VA 20180
Just FYI, I had previously mentioned that I had been asked to run for the position of Vice President – Norway of the Scandinavian American Foundation of Georgia. I was officially elected to that position tonight at the SAFG board meeting (on Zoom). You had mentioned announcing it at one of our lodge’s Zoom meetings and so I am happy to confirm that my holding that position is now official. Feel free to mention/publicize it in any way you think appropriate.
Tusen takk, William (Bill) Browning
Lodge President
Well Bill got his foot in the door. Well done! This might be a potential windfall for us all. – ED
Restauration elected a new board for 2021:
The church they had been meeting in no longer allowed group activities so they found a new

meeting place and have been holding socially distanced meetings that included author Jorgen Flood’s presentation on the the Lingonberry wars and other historical conflicts of Norway. In October they showed off their carving/decorating skills by creating jack-o-lanterns representing Norwegian national heroes. They held a Zoom juletrefest on Dec. 13.
They are contemplating a 45th Anniversary celebration and are considering some exciting options including a bus trip to Ellis Island and/or a trip to Washington DC to visit the Norwegian Embassy.
A common thread for many, if not most, of our lodges in 2020 has been the ability to adapt to what otherwise would have been a crippling necessity to maintain social distancing protocols. Technology has played a vital role in all of this as we all know. Hampton Roads Lodge is no exception and has actually thrived throughout. Innovative leadership has been key and it certainly has helped that one of their officers, Elizabeth Kamosa, has guided her fellow members through the process.
Faced with the prospect of a cancelled annual Christmas Bazaar, an event that normally generates 10-15 new member signups per year, they simply decided to create the first ever Sons of Norway Satellite Lodge. This new chapter which officially becomes a reality on January 1 2021 will henceforth be known as Hampton Roads Norge Norsemen.
Most of these new Hampton Roads members are from the Williamsburg, Virginia, part of what is known as the Tidewater Region which geographically includes Virginia Beach where the parent lodge meets. However, Williamsburg is about 1.5 hours distant so the Norge Norsemen will hold their meetings in the town of Norge, Va. You can read more about Norge in this newsletter.
As the Zone 7 Director, I was fortunate enough to be able to witness much of the process by which this Satellite Lodge came about and was amazed by how smoothly all the pieces fell into place due to the spirit of cooperation by all parties involved and the realization that we all share a common heritage and belonging to Sons of Norway is a great way to celebrate this- ED
Dear Marie,
Yes, we had our August summer picnic and Kubb at Stoner Park near Lancaster. September’s monthly meeting was by Zoom and featured a Crown Princess Martha DVD. October’s meeting was by Zoom and was a Youtube video of a tour of Norwegian American spots in the Midwest by two Norwegian young men. November’s meeting was by Zoom and included a reading by me of a Norwegian-American article on St. Sunniva, the patron saint of Bergen and Vestlandet (since All Saints Day is in November) as well as a YouTube BBC Travel video of the Norwegian freezing music festival. In December we are doing a Zoom meeting called Hjemme Jul (Christmas at Home) and I am asking members to do a show’n’tell of Nordic Christmas items in their home and special traditions they remember. We will also be singing Christmas carols.
I had 2 Board meetings – 8/6/20 and 11/13/20
We made donations to SON Foundation and Ski for Light.
Members are walking and keeping track of miles for 125th anniversary activity.
I have sent lists of websites featuring videos from Lodge past meetings as far back as 2014 (Re-runs).
Have 4 Golden members we want to congratulate, but we are still waiting for 2 more pins from Sons of Norway.
Secretary and I will be updating Bylaws probably in January.
Our newsletter goes out every 2 months – August/Sept., Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan..
Glad you met our VP Deb Solem and her cousin Annie Herlein.
Have a good day!
Since COVID we’ve done a couple Zoom meetings for the lodge with another one probably next week.
We’ve also done a couple of Zoom board meetings and several email exchanges between board members.
We’ve done a newsletter every month except June, July, and August.
We scouted out several venues for our 100 year celebration in 2021 and put down a deposit. Some of us attended viewing of two members who passed away. We’ve also welcomed a few new members by phone and email.
Their 100th (!) Anniversary. It will be Sat., Oct 2, 2021, noon to 4 PM, at Martin’s Valley Mansion, 529 Cranbrook Road, Cockeysville, Maryland
What appears to be another well crafted gingerbread creation is actually the work of our Virtual Jultrefest guest speaker, Hanna Kiviniemi who, via zoom, enlightened, entertained and fascinated us about Christmas in Finland on location in her home country on December 12. We celebrated along with members of Norsk Carolina 3-679. Kinder is the universal symbol of peace and prosperity.