Blog: 3D News


December 2017 President’s Message

December 2017

Fra Presidenten

Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. Oprah Winfrey



This is my last Christmas season as 3D President and it has been a fun and at times wild ride.  We as a District have accomplished so much this year, some of it behind the scenes.  Some things we see front and center in your wonderful lodge newsletters.  I love reading them so keep them coming!

I see so much opportunity for us to grow and strengthen our fraternal connections.  To be sure, we will change. I see change in the lodge calendars, the things we do and try.  We are beginning to do things just a little different, we may make some tweaks here and there, but we still hold onto our core values and traditions.  I can’t wait to join in the singing of the lutefisk song at my lodge’s lutefisk and meatball dinner, it is hilarious.  I also can’t wait to dance around the Christmas tree at our Jultrefest.  Keeping our customs and traditions alive will always be central to who we are. Yet, we Norwegians are an adventurous lot willing to try new things and it is this adventurous spirit that will keep us going for many years to come.

I wish you health and happiness always but especially during the holiday season as we gather with friends and families. Let’s remember our fraternal brothers and sisters who may be spending the holidays alone and “reach and touch” them; give them a ride to your lodge’s events. (“Joy multiplies when it is shared among friends.” R.A. Salvatore ). That is what fraternalism is all about.

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and wish you God Jul og Godt nyttår.


All the best,

