October is Foundation Month
As the “new” Director of the Sons of Norway Foundation, I am humbled and grateful for the outpouring of support received from our members for the recent Humanitarian Fund campaign. Recognizing there would be many members impacted by hurricanes and fire, the call was put out to help our fraternal brothers and sisters in need and you responded! Only today I learned there is massive flooding in Norway and together we will help our members across the Atlantic as well. It’s what we do.
I wanted to THANK YOU ALL for your long-term support of the Foundation throughout the year but especially in October. Without you the Foundation would not exist. We at headquarters are the facilitators of your generosity – connecting grant recipients with funding that will help their lodges and students with scholarships that will change their lives. YOU, the donors are the beating heart of our organization.
We look forward to reporting to you in our annual report, the Viking Magazine and our website about the impact your gifts had made to those who receive them. In the meantime, we are excited to announce that grant and scholarship applications are now open on our website. Please see below for specific information about what’s available as well as application deadlines.
Tusen takk!
-Corrie Maki Knudson
Director, Sons of Norway Foundation
For more information about any of these grants and scholarships, please visit www.sonsofnorway.com/foundation.
Updates on Foundation Grant and Scholarship Opportunities:
The Sons of Norway Foundation has restructured its grant program to distinguish applications from our Sons of Norway local lodges apart from those of external entities. We have also added a new grant focused on giving lodges a “boost” by funding operational projects that may beyond the lodge’s budget. Lastly, the Foundation has dropped the requirement for lodges to match the amount of support for which they apply. We are truly pleased to share these changes with you. Please read below for further details:
Lodge Vitality Grant: up to $1,000, due December 31
The Lodge Vitality Grant has been newly created to focus on “giving lodges a boost” in their operating budget they would not likely receive from other sources. Applicants must provide an itemized budget, explain how they will use the funds and demonstrate how this grant will help with the lodge’s growth or goals.
Examples of eligible projects include replacement of aged or failing equipment that may be vital to the lodge’s meetings/programs, new initiatives to increase membership, a new program to engage younger generations, etc.
Culture and Heritage Grant: up to $1,500, due December 31
Formerly titled the “General Heritage and Culture Grant” this grant opportunity accepts proposals for activities that promote and preserve Nordic culture but is open only to our lodges in Canada, Norway and the United States.
Examples of eligible projects include cultural classes, lodge cultural fairs, hosting of visiting groups, instructional videos, etc.
Helping Hands to Children Grant: up to $500, due December 31
The only change to the Helping Hands to Children grant is that a match is no longer required. All lodges from Canada, Norway and the United States are invited to apply for educational or mentoring for children within their lodge or partnering with a local program that serves children.
Examples of eligible projects are: Adopt-A-School, Barnas Norsk Klubb, children’s heritage programing, books for reading programs, school equipment, mentoring services, supplies and other special programs for children.
Community Partnership Grant: up to $1,000, due December 15
In keeping with the mission of the Sons of Norway Foundation, we invite non-members from Canada, Norway and the United States to apply for support for projects that will promote Nordic culture and heritage.
Examples include programs/projects in the fine arts, festivals, parades, genealogy conferences, etc. These awards will be limited up to a maximum of five per year.
The Helen Tronvold Scholarship for Adult Learners: up to $3,000, due January 15
The Foundation is excited to offer this new opportunity for insurance benefit members over the age of 40+ to take class(s) in Norway, including at Oslo International Summer School. If you have always wanted an academic experience in Norway now is your change to apply for a scholarship!
2018 Grant and Scholarship Deadlines
December 15: Community Partnership Grant
December 31: Helping Hands to Children Grant (lodges only)
Lodge Culture and Heritage Grant (lodges only)
Lodge Vitality Grant (lodges only)
January 15: Douglas Warne – Rolf & Wenche Eng Scholarship
Helen Tronvold Adult Lerner Scholarship**
Helen Tronvold Folk High School Scholarship*
King Olav V Norwegian-American Heritage Scholarship
Lund Fund Scholarship*
Oslo International Summer School Scholarship*
March 1: Astrid G. Cates/Myrtle Beinhauer Scholarship*
Orel and Marie Winjum Memorial Scholarship
April 1: Nancy Lorraine Jensen Memorial Scholarship*
*Minimum of social membership with the Sons of Norway required