Blog: 3D News


November 2017 President’s Message

November 2017

Fra Presidenten
I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks. ~William Shakespeare

Thanksgiving is the holiday most associated with giving thanks. I would like to simply say Thank You for all you do for the Sons of Norway.

I have shared in a few lodge anniversary celebrations over the past few weeks and it has been great.  It is obvious that the reason a lodge thrives is because of the contributions of you, its members.  Without members there is no lodge.  Your contributions are made in different ways; you may take on leadership roles (multiple times!) for a few years or for a few events. You may make the meals, the cookies, put up the decorations, set the table and clean up after everyone leaves. You may simply show support for your lodge by attending an event. Always know that your efforts are noticed and appreciated by me and the rest of the Third District Board.

I hope you have a happy, healthy and filling Thanksgiving!

All the best,
