Blog: 3D News


Notes From 3D VP Kathy Dollymore

I was honored to host the Scanfest table at Budd Lake, NJ where we had numerous stops and signatures for more information concerning SON and local lodges. With over 40 persons with interest now is the time to think about new members, lapsed members and renewals.


Here are some thoughts to keep in mind as you develop your lodge’s membership renewal letter or email.

Lapsed members have been there, they know what it is like to belong…you just have to ask, repeatedly and consistently! It is easier to recapture a lapsed member who already knows about the lodge than to acquire someone who is hearing about Sons of Norway for the first time.

One way to ensure you are offering up a personal touch is to step back and think about what you’d want to hear if you were a member.  You could also consider involving members in the renewal letter process. Why not talk to your board, membership or communications chairs – perhaps they have some thoughts you can incorporate.  You might even want to have the letter or email come directly from one of these volunteers.

After all, unlike your newsletters or website, your renewal letter or email offers an opportunity to speak directly to your member. And since retaining members and keeping them active and engaged is critical – it might just be the most important communications piece you’ll send this year!