Fra Presidenten, Kathy Dollymore, Oct 2020 Here’s a great quote often credited to Eleanor Roosevelt concerning a new skill: “Do one thing every day that scares you.” Lodges are gearing...
Norwegian Heir to The Throne Wins Surfing Title
Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway has won the Norwegian National Junior Championship in surfing. The Princess won with 12.83 points in the Norwegian championship which was held at Borestranden beach in...
September 2020 President’s Message
September Fra Presidenten Every single one of us is continuing to feel the impacts of our whole world crashing down around us. As our lodge meetings and events were put...
August 2020 President’s Message
AUGUST FRA PRESIDENTEN Can you believe that August is almost here?!? Time sure does feel like it is both flying by and moving soooo slowly. As COVID -19 reached around...
May 2020 President’s Message
Hello District 3 Members. Peace and strength in the days ahead! Unchanged: During these unprecedented times, I worry about my loved ones, hoping my children and grandchildren remain healthy and...
July 2020 President’s Message
Fra President Kathy It is difficult to think of just the right words to write for my July President’s letter. I don’t think I could ever adequately express how...
June 2020 President’s Message
As I sit here and think about what message I should send out this month, I am thinking about what life was supposed to be like before we found ourselves...
March 2020 President’s Message
Fra 3D Presidenten Kathy Dollymore MARCH First, let me add my compliments to all the new and returning officers. You all are to be commended for accepting the responsibility for...
February 2020 President’s Message
Fra Presidenten, Kathy Dollymore Welcome February. The days are getting longer, the sun is coming up earlier. Here in the Northeast, it has been a pleasant winter season – so...
January 2020 President’s Message
Godt nyttår alle sammen! Fra Kathy Dollymore, Third District President I hope that you all had a great Christmas, and Santa found his way to your home. Was your Juletrefest...