Bondelandet 3-612
Presentation of the 2020 International Small Lodge of the year. In attendance:
District 3 Secretary Karen Olsen-Helmold
District 3 President Steve Helmold
Bondelandet Lodge President Jeannie Addison
International Treasurer Mary B. Andersen
Restauration 3-555
With help from the Third District Fraternal Funds the Restauration Lodge 3-555 was able to take a trip to Ellis Island on a cultural tour.
This is why genealogy is fun in Restauration Lodge. Just 3 of our members in the Group
Marilyn Nelson, Genealogy leader and VP Rick Nelson , Susan March.

Gulfstream 3-514
At the October 9th meeting and social, Daryl and Shoneen Wagner show members of Gulfstream Lodge a crocheted bedspread made by Shoneen’s great grandmother, Geda. This bedspread has been passed down to the eldest granddaughters throughout the years
Nor-Bu 3-427 Celebrates 80 years since it’s Institution.

Gateway to Florida 3-541 has a busy November.
We are participating in the annual Alzheimer’s Walk at UND campus. We need walkers and donors. Walkers will assemble at J. B. Coxwell Amphitheater, 1 UNF at 8 a.m. for registration. All walkers must register. A short ceremony is planned for 9 a.m. and the walk begins at 9:30 a.m. It is a one-mile walk rain or shine which can be done in total or partially. Each registered participant will receive a Promise Garden flower: blue represents someone living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia; purple is for those who have lost someone to the disease; yellow represents someone who is currently supporting or caring for a person living with Alzheimer’s; and orange is for those who support the cause and the Assn.’s vision of a world without Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Many of us have experienced the ravages of Alzheimer’s through a loved one or friend.
If you cannot walk we’d love to have you as a donor. We have a Sons of Norway page set up whereby you can make a donation on-line or you can mail in a donation as well. To access the page go to https://act.alz.org. To find our Sons of Norway page, put Sons of Norway in the search box. You will see that other D3 lodges have also set up fundraising pages, so click on Gateway to Florida. Our goal is $500; our lodge will donate and we hope that lodge members and friends will also donate so we can at least reach our goal but perhaps surpass it.
Please let either Marci Larson () (307-2888) or Ellen Wallwork @ 613-5201 know you are walking. If you have questions you can outreach to either one as well. Thanks to Ellen who set up our page. You can wear your Sons of Norway shirt.
Then we are convening at President Marty and Pastor Ida’s home for a picnic from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome no matter if you walked or not (Yes, we certainly hope that you donate if you cannot walk. We will take money at the picnic). Marty will fire up his grill for hamburgers and Norwegian polsa that the lodge provides. But if you attend, we’d like you to bring a dish. We have assorted potato chips, so if your last name is A-L bring a salad (potato, pasta, lettuce, macaroni, etc.) or appetizer (any kind of “munchie”); if you are M-Z bring a dessert or beverage. (A beverage can be wine, ice tea, lemonade. Eugene will bring Hagar beer.) This is a great opportunity to get folks together informally. Our last picnic attempt was rained out. This is a no cost event. But, it would be very helpful to know that you are coming and what you are bringing. So RSVP to Kent Larson and let him know: 614-7111 by Friday noon, Nov, 4. See you Saturday rain or shine.
Hope to see you at one/both events Saturday.
Marty Iverson, President
Nansen 3-410 Fall Event
The TDT and its editor does not necessarily approve of or agree with some of its content but will on occasion publish questionable lodge behavior.
Hampton Roads 3-522
“Here are some pictures taken from the recent Hampton Roads and the Norge Norsemen Satellite Lodge’s bazaars. Besides being a great opportunity for the lodge members to actively work together and show the public our camaraderie, we were able to join up 57 new members to the Sons of Norway. “

Blå Fjell 3-646 celebrates Jul at local school. Cornerstone Classical Academy is our second adopted school under SON Adopt-A-School program. Cheri Johnson, Bla Fjell lodge’s Children’s Activities Coordinator, teaches cultural activities every week on Thursday.
Sharon Rohrback
Blå Fjell 3-646 Juletrefest

Norskevenner 3-678 Jultrefest in their new meeting facilitly

If you can identify St Lucia, send her a God Jul Message. Hint: Picture taken in Norway. Hint: In 1958