Blog: 3D News


April 2017 Sports and Recreation Director Report

Happy Spring! We enjoyed a relatively mild winter this season. Glad to see the following lodges participating in our Fitbit Challenge this year and they are: Norden Lodge, Noreg Lodge, Restauration Lodge, Southern Star Lodge and Bondelandet Lodge as well as several of our 3D Board members. We need more lodges and board members to join our happy Fitbit family and enjoy this great weather while you count your steps each month and report them to your Sports Director or directly to me. Also as you know we have added a Biking Challenge and this is the season to dust off that bike in your garage, pump up the tires, etc. and start riding your neighborhoods and parks. Record those miles earned and send them in so we can track your progress. Bike miles earned at your local gym count also.

Stay active and healthy!

Andy Mathisen
3D Sports and Recreational Director