President’s Message


November 2019 President’s Message

November is a busy time of the year. Lodges are getting ready for their Juletrefests, participating in Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving Parades, developing winter programs, and the coming holiday season. November is also the time for many lodges to hold officer elections.

I want to congratulate the officers of our new 3D Lodge VIKING MOUNTAIN #3-690. I hope you all have an opportunity to wish President Rick Budrick and his officers well. What a wonderful experience it was to be with International and District officers to institute this new lodge and install the officers. It was rewarding to reread the Sons of Norway oaths. A reminder that was a powerful vehicle demonstrating our SON standards. Being a new or returning officer is a milestone for a person and is a sign of high prestige, it deserves all good wishes. It is not an easy task and requires an immense investment of time and effort. Those who have accepted a position THANK YOU!! Please support the efforts of the new officers, specifically Support their new ideas! Some will be a refreshing change and others might be a learning experience.

Remember that change can be good. Getting out of your comfort zone is never easy. In this ever-changing world, things must change to grow and survive. However, let’s move forward without forgetting the significance of our long-standing traditions and ceremonies. Please remember one of the major rules of the order is that every lodge must have a minimum of 8 meetings annually. At least 4 times per year the business of the lodge will be transacted. Many lodges have a brief business meeting followed by a social meeting for all to enjoy. These business meetings are necessary for the lodges to keep Sons of Norway updated with lodge information and the required IRS forms. This is a good time to remind ourselves of the oath we all took when we joined the order of Sons of Norway. (Copied from the Order of Ceremonies section in the Sons of Norway Guide for Leadership)

We hope that you will be honest and fair with all people and endeavor not to judge the errors and shortcomings of others. We require that you never introduce any matter of a political or religious nature into the lodge. We expect that your influence and activities so that our association both here and elsewhere may be of your ability, attend our meetings and activities so that our association both here and elsewhere may be of mutual benefit and pleasure. We are pleased you have accepted these obligations. From now on, your own interests and the progress and the welfare of our Order are closely related. We expect that you will be sociable and tolerant in your conduct, not easily offended, and always willing to forgive. The fellowship you experience within this Order will go with you through life, and may it guide you to a better understanding of your fellow men. Hold Sons of Norway’s standards high and let us all by our association and conduct show the right understanding of the principles of our Society.

Let us all remember this pledge as we support new officers that take on the challenge of leadership! This is a good time to be a mentor and look forward to the future of the lodge

— Fra 3 D Presidenten Kathy Dollymore, November 2019