President’s Message


January 2024 President’s Message

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and I wish a very happy and healthy new year to all.

2024 is going to be a very busy, productive, and fun-filled year for the Third District.

First however, there are certain business items that must be attended to. Considering the new lodge disbandment policy developed and implemented by the home office, it is imperative that lodges file their paperwork on time. Also, our 2024 District Lodge meeting and convention near Washington DC is shaping up to be an exciting event, so you want to be sure that you register for everything on time. Below are just a few deadlines that you should be aware of.

In January, District Secretary Karen Olsen-Helmold will inform lodge secretaries and presidents of the maximum number of delegates that each lodge will be permitted to send to the District Lodge meeting. This is based on the number of members you had on December 31, 2023 and the formula in our bylaws. As soon as Karen gets the official membership numbers from the home office, she will inform lodges of the number of delegates that they are allowed. I hope that all lodges will send the maximum number of delegates they are allowed as well as many nondelegates to participate in the events being planned.

In February, lodges should vote on their delegates and alternates and complete the delegate report that must be sent to Karen as District Secretary by March 1st. The form will be sent to all lodge secretaries in January.

March 15th is the deadline for lodges to file their D-17 Local Lodge Financial Statement with the home office. The home office is no longer accepting snail mailed or emailed forms, but instead lodge treasurers must sign onto the Sons of Norway website and use the home office’s electronic program.

March 15th is also the deadline for lodges to submit resolutions to be voted on at the district lodge meeting in June. Resolutions must be submitted using the format approved by the home office. Karen will send the template to all lodge secretaries with the January/February District Secretaries letter.

April 15th is the deadline to register delegates and nondelegates with the host committee. Registration forms will also be sent with January/February District Secretaries letter. These forms will also be available on the Third District Website in January.

While all this business is important and must be attended to, it should not be the be all and end all. We are a fraternal organization and should work just as hard to get together and celebrate our Norwegian heritage while spending time together enjoying each other’s company. Washington Lodge, the host for the 2024 convention, has many fun events planned for all to enjoy. Look for details on the Third District Website.

On April 20th the District will host the 3rd District Picnic at Nansen Lodge’s picnic grounds.

We will also be holding two family cultural weekends for all to enjoy. The first will be at camp Koinonia in New York Thursday, July 25th to Sunday, July 29th and the second will be at Camp Lutherock in North Carolina Thursday, August 8 to Sunday August 11th. Details will be sent to lodges in the near future. Let’s get together and have some fun!

Stephen Helmold