President’s Message


March 2024 President’s Message

As I write this message, I am preparing for the in-person spring Third District Board meeting on March 2nd in Syosset New York. In addition to the usual business, the board will be reviewing the health of each of our lodges in hopes that none will have to be disbanded any time soon. We will also be going over the Third District’s bylaws and preparing resolutions that the board will put forward for discussion and approval at the Third District Lodge meeting in Washington DC. If your lodge has any resolutions that they would like to submit for the Third District Lodge meeting, please make sure you send them to the Third District Secretary (Karen) by March 23rd. This convention looks like it is going to be a great one. Karen and I have been meeting with the host committee and from what we hear, they have plans well underway for a fun convention. I hope every lodge sends their maximum number of delegates. Non-delegates are also welcome as there are many activities in the Washington DC area for all to enjoy.

Plans for youth camp and the cultural/sports weekend at camp Koinonia are coming along very nicely. I hope many children will attend the camp and many members will come for the weekend. Unfortunately, the cultural/sports weekend in North Carolina had to be canceled but is being rescheduled for late June of 2025.

The Third District sports picnic will be held at Nansen Lodge on Staten Island, New York on Saturday April 20th. It is hoped that many people will come and enjoy the day and that it can be an annual event again as was in the past.

The International Board has updated the Sons of Norway bylaws and policies and procedures which are available on the Sons of Norway website. I urge everyone to take a look at these documents as they affect all of us.

At this time Karen and I and the whole Third District Board would like to wish you all a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day and a very Happy Easter.

Stephen Helmold