President’s Message


December 2018 President’s Message

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” -John Wooden

Here we are six months into a new board. You may wonder what we have been doing. So, let me reflect on our accomplishments so far, and to check in with you to make sure what we’re delivering is meeting our membership needs.

We’ve been monitoring lodges where there may be a need for some assistance in programing, leadership, or any number of requests that have come to the board. Our goal is to provide support if a lodge feels they need it. By visiting the lodges, I want to show that we are there to help. I’ve been out to SON headquarters relaying our D3 issues to SON International.

We have committees working on updating our Bylaws and Policy and Procedure manuals.       I’ve been out to SON headquarters relaying our D3 issues to SON International and they are being timelier in responding to membership applications.

We have also started to update and refresh our 3D website, it is a work in progress but we hope to make it more palatable to first time guests and more informative to returning visitors. Communication is key in celebrating Sons of Norway and between the lodge newsletters, the website, social media and the Third District Today (TDT) I hope we are getting the word out as to what a great organization the SON is.

If you haven’t been on our Facebook or website, why not take a peek and see how hard we are working to improve our communication and celebrate our membership. I hope you’ll take the opportunity to connect with us.

The Tremendous Third is a district for members, led by members and the more you get involved the more you’ll get back from your membership.

The holiday season reminds me to think about the people in my life. My family, my friends, and my Brothers and Sisters of Sons of Norway. They give me the opportunity to grow and succeed. As we close out 2018, I’d like to thank our members for making this a District I am proud to be part of.

I wish you all a very happy and healthy holiday season.

Gledelig jul og glade nytt år
