President’s Message


June 2022 President’s Message

This will be my last District President’s letter that I will be sending out monthly. At the 66th District Convention/Meeting in Jacksonville, FL in June, I will be stepping down as President of the Third District.  I’ve been pleased to have served over 14 years in many offices on the District Board. I am fortunate to have been able to meet and get to know so many of our leaders and members over the years. Men and women who have the best thoughts for our Tremendous Third.  As a board and as individuals you are all tremendously talented, and I feel lucky to have volunteered by your side these past years. I have been particularly fortunate to have kept many of those members as friends.

Being on the District Board has been an opportunity that I appreciate and hope I have been able to address some of the things we as a board have tried to accomplish together. I’m proud of the many things we’ve achieved during my tenure. Have I done everything I had hoped to accomplish during my time in office? Well, no but the changes we have made, I hope will show to be beneficial to the members and their lodges. We need to look to the future of the Third District. Where will we be in 5 or 10 years? How will our District evolve? What can we do to support our District?

It has been a special joy to have been involved with the Charitable Trust during my time on the board. A shining star in our district and now joined by two other programs in our Charitable Giving Group.

I could not have had the good experiences I have had without the wonderful and unfailing support of the 3D Board officers and directors over many years. The local lodge members who have called me with support and information emailed me with questions, and cards sent to me are testimony to their kindness and loyalty.

I look forward to the first-time delegates who will be attending the convention. I can’t wait to see some old friends and to the “veteran delegates”, I have a hunch you will mentor and steer these first-timers.

Your delegates, new and veterans, will bring you a report and insights on the convention. Listen to what they have to say. Remember that a lodge is only as strong as its membership. Be a part of the process. Join a committee, hold an office, share the joy with family and friends and we will be stronger for it.

It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve as your Third District President.

Support your new District Board. They are working hard for you all.


Kathy Dollymore
Third District President